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Task one

for a photographic/ media project you first need to read the brief like I did when I was working on my unit 06 audio project, then you need to research the topic and plan what I was doing, as I was doing an audio recording on the goat sanctuary I needed to find people to talk to the camera.  I then made a production document, which included the list of things that needed to be done, when it was due, what I need to complete the project, what tasks I need to do based on the list of things I needed to do and turned it into a checklist. I then figured out any problems that may delay the completion of the work and planned out the days ready for shooting. For the other parts of the project I planned the Location, looked at weather, calculated Budget plans. Made a Shoot schedule, signed Agreement forms and created a Risk assessment before finishing off with the evaluation. That’s how you do a photographic/ media project.


For research you can use primary or secondary research tactics to find the information you want. For primary research it is the research that you find out yourself and collect, for example Email Surveys, paper surveys, Face to face Interviews, Phone interviews. Observations and Focus groups. The advantages of this are the information is up to date and the information is more reliable. The disadvantages of this method are the process is time consuming as you have to collect it yourself and the work needed is more expensive and at this present time, it is unsafe to be mixing with people because of Covid19.

For secondary research it is summarizing information that already exists and not having to speak to people to collect it yourself. The ways you can do this type of research are by looking at Reports, Biography’s, Books, Newspapers, Tv news, Textbooks and Existing survey’s

The Advantages of this are these methods are time saving as you don’t have to collect the information yourself and that it is less expensive and now it is safer due to covid19. The disadvantages of this are that you’re not finding information yourself it can be difficult to find information on the topic you are doing, and the information is not always reliable.


Being approached by client; the client may find you through your website or be recommended you by someone who has hired you before. When dealing with a client you will fill out an assignment brief, find out what they want done and the fine details on how they want the end products to look

Discussion with client; When meeting a client you would first communicate through email or phone and note down all contact information’s and agree on a place and time to meet them that works for both of you, in this first meeting you will discuss what the aim of the photographic project will be and make sure you have all the information you need to complete it, book a date for a shoot and ask when they want it done by and how they want it publish which can be decided later, if needed.

Develop inspiration or an idea - How can you make the idea bigger and better? 50 words

Pitch to client; a pitch to a client is you persuading a client to work with you and a presentation on how you will complete the project and how it will turn out at the end, like when you get the assignment brief sent to you and you have to interpret that and make a presentation on how you think that it will be done and the talking to the client and making necessary changes.

When a Client accepts, they agree to what you want to do and you then have to set up a shoot date, time and date for the project to be handed in if it hasn’t already been decided. Then find out how they want it published and tell them how much it will cost to hire you

During a shoot you would: 

  • If you had models direct them to stand how you want them

  • If you were photographing a client for a wedding, you would organise the people ready for the photos and direct the bride and groom to stand in locations and give them suggestions on how they could pose.

  • If out landscape photographing, you would think about how to best position the camera with the natural light.

Publish/Supply the client: once you’ve edited the photos you would put them into the agreed format and show the client to see if they liked the final product, then finish up the piece and tell them a price before you supply them with the finished product or images.


First take time out to simply think of what you would like to do, how you could achieve it

I was thinking for my final major project of doing natural photography and combining landscape with flower photography to create the final project. I was thinking of also doing underwater photography but do not believe I will have the necessary equipment to do so. I have always liked landscape photography and have quite a few natural landscapes near where I live that would be good for photos as I live in a small community.

I could achieve this by going through with my plans to go out to several locations during the duration of the project including the quarry, the bridge at Aylesford and the park in Aylesford. i also plan on visiting the park in west Malling, mote park and layborn lakes. i was originally going to do something to do with my goats but as I did things previously in two separate projects i decided to do something completely different. I would love to do underwater landscape photography but do not have the equipment necessary to do so. I may try and get hold of a water case for my camera or use a tub and place the camera into it to take the photo by keeping the lip of the tub above the water, so it remains dry. Or I may get a waterproof phone case to take the photograph with.


what skills you have.

  • Fast pace decision making

  • Patience

  • Attention to detail

  • Determination

  • Commitment

  • Creativity

  • Organisation

  • Problem solving

  • Independence

  • Creating and developing ideas


What skills I need

  • Teamwork

Is what you are thinking of feasible?

What do you need to create this idea?

  • A camera and natural landscapes and landmarks 

What do you need to do to plan out your project?

  • Complete the proposal form so I have a rough idea

  • Mood boards

  • Artists profiles

  • Research

  • Shoot schedule

  • Production doc

  • Risk assessments

  • Photos

  • Edit photos

  • Upload


Artist Profiles

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