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Primary research

This is a type of research that you find out yourself and collect.

  • Email Surveys

  • surveys

  • Face to face Interviews

  • Phone interviews

  • Observations

  • Focus groups  


  • The information is up to date

  • The information is more reliable



  • The process is time consuming as you have to collect it yourself

  • The work needed is more expensive

(and at this present time, it is unsafe to be mixing with people because of Covid19)


Secondary research

This type of research is summarizing information that already exists and not having to speak to people to collect it yourself.

  • Reports

  • Biography’s

  • Books

  • Newspapers

  • Tv news

  • Textbooks

  • Existing survey’s


  • These methods are time saving as you don’t have to collect the information yourself

  • This is less expensive

(at the moment this is safer because of covid19)


  • Because you’re not finding information yourself it can be difficult to find information on the topic you are doing.

  • The information is not always reliable

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